Tuesday, August 15, 2006

JUSTICE for Hala.

I read on Sandmonkey's blog today that blogger Hala Helmy Botros is being investigated by the Egyptian authorities for creating a blog that is critical of the treatment of Coptic Christians in Egypt. This is a big story, or should I say, should be a big story. Botros's phone lines were cut, she was harrassed, and her father was beaten up by two strangers who said "this is from your daughter." The overall goal is to silence her. Hala was going to leave the the country to attend a Coptic Christian conference in the US, but she was told she cannot leave the country and is under investigation. Her crime is "disrupting the harmony of Muslim and Christian communities" and "spreading false news." Hala finally gave in and shut down her blog. It is clear that the Egyptian government is trying to silence dissent. This cannot be tolerated. Read more about it on Reporters without borders. There is also a report about this on "The Free Copts." As you all know well, when blogger Alaa (who is hugely anti-Israel, by the way), was jailed, the blogosphere, including many Israeli bloggers, rallied to his cause. I hope he rallies to Hala's cause. I also hope the blogosphere rallies to Hala's cause in general. To support this endeavor, I photoshopped an image that I hope you will all spread. Pass this along!

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