Thursday, November 2, 2006

Neutron Iran?

...There is a third alternative and that is to drop neutron bombs not on Iranian nuclear sites but on Iranian and Syrian conventional forces — Iranian and Syrian armies and airfields. This would ruin the entire Iranian and Syrian militaries instantly and make an Israeli ground invasion all the way deep into Iran an overnight cakewalk...


Red Tulips said...


This option gets my 'I am distressed that it is the only thing that approaches a solution, despite how queasy it makes me feel' Red Tulips seal of approval as well.

I would not like having to do this, but honestly, the alternative is annhiliation.

Are there any serious alternatives that avoid total annhiliation?

Thomas Forsyth said...

Too bad we can't create a bio-weapon that locks onto whatever brain defect causes anti-semitic thinking and give all anti-semites anuerisms.